Indoor group cycling programme on a stationary racing bike, accompanied by music.
A combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercise depending on the workout.The session consists of a warm-up, the main part and the recovery. The warm-up is essentially slow cycling, while during the main part there are changes of speed with fluctuating resistance. The recovery part also includes stretches, which are performed on the bike.
The class lasts at least 45 minutes.
- Enhanced cardiac function.
- Increased strength and stamina.
- Stronger leg muscles (quadriceps, biceps femoris, calves, glutes) and trunk muscles(abdominals, back).
The calories burnt range from 500 to 700, depending on the intensity of the workout and the individual body.
The ultimate cardiorespiratory exercise programme using special indoor bikes. High intensity, loud music and unique routes with expert instructors. Results: Burning of 500-700 calories and fat, improved stamina, stronger legs and core.
There are no complicated movements – just get on the bike, set the resistance where it feels comfortable and let the instructor guide you on an incredible ride.
The most effective and enjoyable aerobic training that anyone can do, with a duration of at least 45 minutes!